After several years downloading mp3 music, paying large sums of moula to get them online, and taking the risk of getting a file infected with a trojan [no, not the condom], or a virus, I'm happy to announce that Ion Audio has launched a turntable that will help you convert your vynyl into mp3's.
If you are a music aficionado and a tech-head, this is the must-have product. Ion Turntable comes with a USB cable that you can connect it to your PC or Laptop, so no extra "cards" are needed. It also has a switchable phono/line level output for connecting to any home stereo with AUX (auxiliary) imput.
This turntable not only plays on your PC, it contains a built-in mini-jack line input, which means you can connect the output from a tape deck, VCR, or CD player and record audio directly to your computer through the TTUSB.
Like all good computer gadgets, it comes with software to provide you the easiest way to convert your records to your digital music library. Just connect the ION turntable, click to mark when tracks end, and Voilá! digital music. The EZ Vinyl Converter 2 automatically retrieves track names and other information using Gracenote® MusicID technology and imports the music directly to your iTunes library. Also included is the Audacity software, which enables you to edit and clean your recorded tracks. Audacity helps remove clicks, pops and other noises from your recordings to restore the full quality of your vinyl. It even enables you to convert 78 RPM records to mp3's [Grandpa, Grandma, get those acetates ready!!!].
The Ion Turntable comes in different models. Price ranges between $79 and $119 USD.
And if you are looking to save music from your old cassettes, check out the Ion2PC tape deck.
Like the turntable, it also comes with an USB cable that connects to a PC or laptop, so neither drivers nor cards are needed.
TAPE2PC comes bundled with EZ Tape Converter by MixMeister, which converts audio cassette recordings directly into iTunes. It just takes a few mouse clicks to adquire digital versions of your tapes.
So I look forward to December 25th to get my Ion Turntable. I already started to take out all my vynyl [quite a few actually] and cleaning them for the great day.
I just have one question....Will Ion Audio come out with an 8-Track to PC equipment?
For more information, visit their website at www.ion-audio.com