What's In The Number 9?

The Paeloithics invented numbers to account for their material possessions and for the amount of fish they sold. Since then, numbers incited Chinese, Egyptian, and Indian cultures to create mathematics and, later, algebra.
But there is no idea where the number 9 becomes a regarded number. Does it represent mystery, luck, or probably destiny? In Hinduism, the number nine represents a complete, revered, and divine number as the end of the cycle in the decimal system. In the Chinese culture, it represents longevity, as well as the number of the Emperor.
Then, there was Pythagoras the Samian, a Greek mathematician from the pre-Socratis era. Regarded as a true mathematician, he mixed his knowledge with mysticism and science, astrology and astronomy. This ancient combination is known today as numerology, and it is associated with the divinity and the occult.
In the height of the flower power of the 60's, numerology and astrology became the trend to find the answers of what the future holds for each and every human being. For more than 40 years, the world population see these as entertainment items or as a way of life. But for a while, we forgot those beliefs. At the beginning of the new millenium, we saw the world to almost come to an end, bringing us the worst economical situation for the past eight years. We have seen friends and relatives losing their jobs, their homes, and forced to move to another town just to survive. We forgot about astrology and numerology; we see numbers associated with salary, paying bills or just to be lucky and win the lottery.
And now we're at the latter part of 2009, and people are looking the future with a bit of faith; hoping that the economy gets better, and that all can get a better quality of life. It's no different with merchandisers.
However, it seems that marketing executives are using numerology to find some kind of luck for a massive sellout. In the last 6 months, this ancient belief is creeping through advertising, especially to promote high-end products like Beatles' Rockband, and the Beatles' Remasters Box Set. And there are rumors the release of a new iPod Beatles edition. Are marketing executives relying on numerology, or that is simply John Lennon's favorite number? Why 09.09.09?
What if their using a date like 09.09.09 to define an important event in a decade? I do remember when the Cabbage Patch Kids sold out like hotcakes. Do you see those dolls today? Well, it makes you wonder, doesn't it? But any product that carries the "Apple" blessing may have a continuing longevity. Probably, this date may bring another defining chapter in the Beatles', wait a minute...Beatles has seven letters...is seven the "lucky number"?....
And we ask ourselves if numerology will be a way to define the future of humankind; well, you be the judge.
But there is no idea where the number 9 becomes a regarded number. Does it represent mystery, luck, or probably destiny? In Hinduism, the number nine represents a complete, revered, and divine number as the end of the cycle in the decimal system. In the Chinese culture, it represents longevity, as well as the number of the Emperor.
Then, there was Pythagoras the Samian, a Greek mathematician from the pre-Socratis era. Regarded as a true mathematician, he mixed his knowledge with mysticism and science, astrology and astronomy. This ancient combination is known today as numerology, and it is associated with the divinity and the occult.
In the height of the flower power of the 60's, numerology and astrology became the trend to find the answers of what the future holds for each and every human being. For more than 40 years, the world population see these as entertainment items or as a way of life. But for a while, we forgot those beliefs. At the beginning of the new millenium, we saw the world to almost come to an end, bringing us the worst economical situation for the past eight years. We have seen friends and relatives losing their jobs, their homes, and forced to move to another town just to survive. We forgot about astrology and numerology; we see numbers associated with salary, paying bills or just to be lucky and win the lottery.
And now we're at the latter part of 2009, and people are looking the future with a bit of faith; hoping that the economy gets better, and that all can get a better quality of life. It's no different with merchandisers.
However, it seems that marketing executives are using numerology to find some kind of luck for a massive sellout. In the last 6 months, this ancient belief is creeping through advertising, especially to promote high-end products like Beatles' Rockband, and the Beatles' Remasters Box Set. And there are rumors the release of a new iPod Beatles edition. Are marketing executives relying on numerology, or that is simply John Lennon's favorite number? Why 09.09.09?
What if their using a date like 09.09.09 to define an important event in a decade? I do remember when the Cabbage Patch Kids sold out like hotcakes. Do you see those dolls today? Well, it makes you wonder, doesn't it? But any product that carries the "Apple" blessing may have a continuing longevity. Probably, this date may bring another defining chapter in the Beatles', wait a minute...Beatles has seven letters...is seven the "lucky number"?....
And we ask ourselves if numerology will be a way to define the future of humankind; well, you be the judge.
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